Holmes Family Chiropractic
With a lot of companies having their employees work from home it is hard to get up and move. Here are 5 easy exercises you can do to help your back from the postural strain of sitting at home all day. Holmes Family Chiropractic recommends being active for 30 minutes a day along with regular adjustments to keep your spine healthy and you feeling your best.
Wall Angels
Are you havng upper back pain? Wall angels help increase mobility in the thoracic spine.
Stand with your back against a wall and feet 6 in. from the wall bring your arms to 90 degrees.
While making contact with your head, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and hips slide your arms up and down the wall as shown.
Cat Camel
Cat Camel is a great stretch to get your mobility back after watching 5 straight hours of Tiger King. Perform this stretch and then go back and do wall angels and see if it has become easier for you to perform.
While on your hands and knees in a crawl position, raise up your back and arch it towards the ceiling like an angry cat while taking a deep breath in.
Next return to a lowered position and arch your back the opposite direction while exhaling.
Bird Dog (Quadruped)
Core stability is crucial to decreasing low back and SI pain. Try to get 10 on each side. with proper core activation and not allowing your hips to dip from side to side.
While in a crawling position, brace at your abdominals and then slowly lift a leg and opposite arm upwards. Lower leg and arm down and then repeat with opposite side.
Maintain a level and stable pelvis and spine the entire time.
Dead Bug
This exercise is very similar to Quadruped but on your back.
While laying on your back, tighten your abdominals and bring legs to a 90 degree angle and arms straight out in front of you. slowly lower one leg and the opposite side arm down to the ground without allowing it to touch the ground, pause, and bring it back to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. Try and hit 10 reps.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Sitting for a long period or often can lead to actual shortening of the hip flexor muscles. these tight muscles can cause issues in the low back and Si joints.
While kneeling down on one knee, lean forward and bend your front knee until a stretch is felt along the front hip area of the knee-down side.
Other Services We Provide
Digital Xray
Manipulative Therapy
Intersegmental Traction
Call our Office at (360) 556-5707